First day using MacOs Monterey

One of the beauty of a macOs is that it has already almost everything you need. No much tuning is needed, However as a old Windows / Linux user I miss some key shortcuts, or favourite editor tools. You will find here my favourite tools and workarounds to make my life easier.

Use F1, F2 et as standard function keys

  1. Navigate to System Setting > Keyboard

  2. Click on Keyboard shortcuts …

  3. Open Function keys from left pane

  4. Toggle “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.

Disable sound on start up

  1. Navigate to System Settings > Sound

  2. Toggle Play sound on startup

Install Itsycal for Mac

Itsycal is a tiny menu bar calendar with week number. Handy when filling vacations forms.

Install alt-tab for Mac

For mimicking the Windows alt tab function.

Use Option + tab to change windows

Install iTerm2

Term2 is a replacement for Terminal

Text Editor

Was about to recommend Atom, but it has been shutdown, so perhaps need to have a try to VS Code.

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